What steps should I follow to enable PayPal Advanced Credit Card Payment integration in Spring Boot app for non-PayPal account holders?
I am trying to integrate paypal advanced credit card payment, for customers who do not have a paypal account to be able to pay using their card. And I'm facing issues doing that.
I succesfuly integrated Paypal into my Spring Boot app, but only for customers with a paypal account (They are redirected and required to log into paypal before paying).
The issue here is I want get a response from Paypal and beign able to process it alongside the user's session information,
I followed tutorials leading to creating a PaymentSource instance and then setting into my orderRequest :
Card card = new Card();
PaymentSource paymentSource = new PaymentSource().card(card);
But OrderRequest has no property as PaymetSource. I provide source code below, can you please help me fix this issue, or just provide me with a guide for the integration from scratch.
Thank you.
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.nicanor.shakt.web.entities.CreatedOrder;
import com.paypal.api.payments.CreditCard;
import com.paypal.core.PayPalEnvironment;
import com.paypal.core.PayPalHttpClient;
import com.paypal.http.HttpResponse;
import com.paypal.orders.AmountWithBreakdown;
import com.paypal.orders.ApplicationContext;
import com.paypal.orders.Card;
import com.paypal.orders.LinkDescription;
import com.paypal.orders.Money;
import com.paypal.orders.Order;
import com.paypal.orders.OrderRequest;
import com.paypal.orders.OrdersCaptureRequest;
import com.paypal.orders.OrdersCreateRequest;
import com.paypal.orders.PaymentInstruction;
import com.paypal.orders.PaymentSource;
import com.paypal.orders.PurchaseUnitRequest;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class PayPalPaymentService implements PaymentService {
private final String APPROVE_LINK_REL = "approve";
private final PayPalHttpClient payPalHttpClient;
public PayPalPaymentService(@Value("${paypal.clientId}") String clientId, @Value("${paypal.clientSecret}") String clientSecret) {
payPalHttpClient = new PayPalHttpClient(new PayPalEnvironment.Sandbox(clientId, clientSecret));
public CreatedOrder createOrder(Double totalAmount, URI returnUrl) {
final OrderRequest orderRequest = createOrderRequest(totalAmount, returnUrl);
final OrdersCreateRequest ordersCreateRequest = new OrdersCreateRequest().requestBody(orderRequest);
final HttpResponse<Order> orderHttpResponse = payPalHttpClient.execute(ordersCreateRequest);
//STEP6 ON RECUPERE L'ORDRE, approve uri c'est l'url pour valider l'ordre sur paypal
final Order order = orderHttpResponse.result();
LinkDescription approveUri = extractApprovalLink(order);
return new CreatedOrder(order.id(),URI.create(approveUri.href()));
//public void captureOrder(String orderId) {
public HttpResponse<Order> captureOrder(String orderId) {
final OrdersCaptureRequest ordersCaptureRequest = new OrdersCaptureRequest(orderId);
final HttpResponse<Order> httpResponse = payPalHttpClient.execute(ordersCaptureRequest);
return httpResponse;
private OrderRequest createOrderRequest(Double totalAmount, URI returnUrl) {
// Create a credit card object with the card details
CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard();
creditCard.setNumber("card number");
creditCard.setFirstName("first name");
creditCard.setLastName("last name");
Card card = new Card();
PaymentSource paymentSource = new PaymentSource().card(card);
// Add the purchase unit to the order request object
OrderRequest orderRequest = new OrderRequest();
setPurchaseUnits(totalAmount, orderRequest, paymentSource);
setApplicationContext(returnUrl, orderRequest);
return orderRequest;
private OrderRequest setApplicationContext(URI returnUrl, OrderRequest orderRequest) {
return orderRequest.applicationContext(new ApplicationContext().returnUrl(returnUrl.toString()));
private void setPurchaseUnits(Double totalAmount, OrderRequest orderRequest, PaymentSource paymentSource) {
final PurchaseUnitRequest purchaseUnitRequest = new PurchaseUnitRequest()
.amountWithBreakdown(new AmountWithBreakdown().currencyCode("CAD").value(totalAmount.toString()));
private void setCheckoutIntent(OrderRequest orderRequest) {
private LinkDescription extractApprovalLink(Order order) {
LinkDescription approveUri = order.links().stream()
.filter(link -> APPROVE_LINK_REL.equals(link.rel()))
return approveUri;
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