Auto-refetch a mutation by invalidating its tag from another mutation

Can I auto-refetch getEmployees mutation by invalidating its tag from another mutation called deleteEmployee in the code below?

import { createApi } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
import customFetchBase from './customFetchBase.js'

export const publicApi = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'publicApi',
  baseQuery: customFetchBase,
  tagTypes: ['employees'],
  endpoints: builder => ({
    getEmployees: builder.mutation({
      query: ({
        formData = "defaultHashedDataString",
        salt = "xyz",
        pageIndex = 1
      }) => ({
        url: '/Hafez/Employee/Data',
        method: 'POST',
        body: {
          RequestVerificationToken: salt,
          FormData: formData,
          currentPage: pageIndex + 1
      providesTags: ['employees']
    deleteEmployee: builder.mutation({
      query: ({ formData, salt }) => ({
        url: '/Hafez/Employee/Delete',
        method: 'POST',
        body: { RequestVerificationToken: salt, FormData: formData }
      invalidatesTags: ['employees']

export const { useGetEmployeesMutation, useDeleteEmployeeMutation } = publicApi

Now when I call deleteEmployee mutation the getEmployees mutation does not run.

I know that I should use a GET request for getting data from server but for some security it can't be changed.


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