Rename AbpIdentity columns on the UI forms?

I'm working on ABP framework 7.1 with Angular UI.

I already renamed the Name and Surname properties of the abpUsers table and set them as required as this question

It is running well and smoothly. But now, I want to rename the columns of the UI, Create and Edit user:

Reference image:

enter image description here

Now, it is showing Name and Surname instead First Name and Last Name, these fields have not had the required indicator *. And you can also save them without providing value.

I want to do both things:

  • Set required properties so the form should throw a required validation if the user try to save them without providing them.
  • Rename the fields

I tried to do that with ExtensionConfigurator as:

       .ConfigureIdentity(identity =>
           identity.ConfigureUser(user =>
                   property =>
                       property.UI.Lookup.DisplayPropertyName = "First Name";
                       property.DisplayName = L("::FirstName");

After adding that code, I ran the proxy generator. But it didn't work; it still showed the Name label instead First Name. How should I do that?

How can I achieve that?


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