Call a API synchronously inside For Each loop in android Kotlin Coroutines with Flow getting Error

Call a API synchronously inside For-each loop in android Kotlin Coroutines using Flow.

Also i need to wait all the API calls need to complete without blocking the Main Thread.

fun getLatesData(): Flow<Model> = flow {
    }.flatMapLatest { data ->
        flow {
            val responseList = mutableListOf<String>()

            data.items?.forEach { datalist ->

                val response = getCreatedDate(datalist.Id)

                val countData = Model(
                    datalist = data,
                    responseListCount = responseList
     private fun getCreatedDate(Id: String?)= flow {
            try {
                val response =  repoApi.getCount(Id)
            } catch (e: Exception) {

        "Content-Type: application/json"
    suspend fun getCount(@Path("Id")Id: String?): response

ERROR-kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.AbortFlowException: Flow was aborted, no more elements needed

For the first iteration Data is emitting properly, but second time onwards getting above mentioned error.

Run a API call without blocking the UI thread inside for loop with Flow. Thank in advance.


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