Importing External JavaScript Into React (via file)

UPDATE: on further review and tinkering, I am thinking a better question is "How to transform JS expressions/logic into React components and props?" Looking at a large array of React examples, I do not think that my JS functions are going to port over well, so I guess I am looking for some pointers on how to handle things better. I have a feeling that breaking several of the JS functions into smaller pieces may be part of the answer, but am having difficulty parsing out what will and won't work.

I have a simple HTML, CSS, and JS app/page Word Guessing Game that I am attempting to port over to a React web app. I am having trouble understanding how one can import elements into the React components (similar to how I have done it with HTML) to be used by the app.

The way my JS file, appLogic.JS, currently looks is as follows:

   import random words from CSV using getWords.js

let random_words = ['dog', 'flower', 'piano', 'student', 'chrysanthemum'];

// outer variables 
let answer = '';             // holds the value of the random word to be served to the .html 
let maxWrong = 10;           // default game is set to easy  
let diff_setting = 'Easy';   // default ""
let mistakes = 0;            // mistakes are initialized to 0
let guessed = [];            // guessed letters are stored in an array initialized empty
let wordStatus = null;       // used to dislay current state of word to user (guessedWord())

 * function is called by generateButtons and 
 * handles keyboard button press events
 * on each press
function handleGuess(chosenLetter) {
    // if guessed/pressed letter is false, push wrong guess to array
    guessed.indexOf(chosenLetter) === -1 ? guessed.push(chosenLetter) : null;
    // disable the button display
    document.getElementById(chosenLetter).setAttribute('disabled', true);
    // if answer was correct, reveal the letter in the display and check if game won
    if (answer.indexOf(chosenLetter) >= 0) {
    // incorrect guess increment wrong guess count, update mistakes on display check if game over
    } else if (answer.indexOf(chosenLetter) === -1) {

 * function determines if game has been won by
 * checking if values in wordStatus are equal to
 *  the letters in answer, game is won
 * If game won, displays a message to the user
function checkIfGameWon() {
    if (wordStatus === answer) {
    document.getElementById('keyboard').innerHTML = 'Good job!';

 * function determines if game has been lost by
 * checking the number of mistakes agains the
 * allowed max for the user difficulty setting
 * if lost, displays message to the user
function checkIfGameLost() {
    if (mistakes === maxWrong) {
    document.getElementById('wordSpotlight').innerHTML = 'The answer was: ' + answer;
    document.getElementById('keyboard').innerHTML = 'Better luck next time!';

 * function updates the "_" display of the word
 * to map the guessed letters and reveal the answer
 * letters if correctly guessed
function guessedWord() {
    // creates array to store all individual letters
    wordStatus = answer.split('').map(letter => (guessed.indexOf(letter) >= 0 ? letter : " _ ")).join(''); 
    // maps letters against answer and reveals the answer when correct letters passed in
    // returns the element to display to the html id wordSpotlight
    document.getElementById('wordSpotlight').innerHTML = wordStatus;

 * function assigns value of mistake to html element mistake
 * (number of wrong guesses)
function updateMistakes() {
document.getElementById('mistakes').innerHTML = mistakes;

 * function generates the keyboard buttons
function generateButtons() {
        alphabet str is split into individual letters with split()
        each letter is mapped with a function .map(letter => ...)
            buttonsHTML write all letters as <button> elements within
            the .html file and creates an onClick event listener that 
            callse handleGuess() function

    let buttonsHTML = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('').map(letter =>
            id='` + letter + `'
            onClick="handleGuess('` + letter + `')"
            ` + letter + `

    // assigns the value of html id keyboard to buttonsHTML 
    document.getElementById('keyboard').innerHTML = buttonsHTML;

 * function is the process assigned to the button of the same
 * name. It resets the game (new random word) and resets the
 * number of guesses
function restart() {
    let defaultSelection = 'Easy';      // default value passed to setDifficulty
    mistakes = 0;                       // resets value of mistakes
    guessed = [];                       // resets guessed array
    guessedWord();                      // get the word display ("_")
    updateMistakes();                   // put the value of wrong guesses, starts at 0
    generateButtons();                  // create buttons (no longer disabled)
    setDifficulty(defaultSelection);    // get the difficulty setting from drop-down menu

 * function makes calls (similar to restart())
 * that updates the length of words that are
 * displayed to user (easy, medium, hard)
 * this function is called whenever the user
 * changes the value in the drop-down and
 * that value is passed in (difficulty)
 * @param {*} difficulty = str val, user setting  
function setDifficulty(difficulty) {
    diff_setting = difficulty;      // default 'Easy'
    mistakes = 0;                   // same as in restart() f(x)
    guessed = [];                   //same as in restart() f(x)
    randomWord(diff_setting);       // calls the randomWord() f(x) with the default diff setting
    guessedWord();                  // same as in restart() f(x)
    updateMistakes();               // same as in restart() f(x)
    generateButtons();              // same as in restart() f(x)
    guessDifficulty(diff_setting);  // gets and returns the drop-down difficulty setting

// These are the initial launch functions
randomWord(diff_setting);            // gets random word w default difficulty 
generateButtons();                   // ""
guessedWord();                       // ""
guessDifficulty(diff_setting);       // ""

 * function assigns maxWrong value based
 * on user input in drop-down menu
 * @param {*} difficulty = str, user selection
function guessDifficulty(difficulty){
    if(difficulty == 'Easy'){               // if easy, return 10 guesses
        maxWrong = 10;
    }else if(difficulty == 'Medium'){       // if medium, 7 guesses
        maxWrong = 7;
    }else if(difficulty == 'Hard'){
        maxWrong = 5;                       // if hard, 5 guesses
        maxWrong = 10;                      // else, default                 
    // set value to HTML element
    document.getElementById('maxWrong').innerHTML = maxWrong;

 * function returns word length according to user
 * difficulty settings
 * @param {*} difficulty = drop-down menu selection
 * @returns array of lengths corresponding to user selection
function getSelection(difficulty){
    // filter for all words with a length less than 6
    let easy_game = random_words.filter((easy_words) => {
    if(easy_words.length < 6){
        return easy_words;}});  // return as val easy_words: easy_game = easy_words (array)
    // filter for all words with a length of 6-10
    let medium_game = random_words.filter((med_words) => {
    if(med_words.length >= 6 && med_words.length <= 9){
        return med_words;}});   // return as val med_words: medium_game = med_words (array)
    // filter for all words with a length greater than 9
    let hard_game = random_words.filter((hard_words) => {
    if(hard_words.length > 9){
        return hard_words;}});  // return as val hard_words: hard_game = hard_words (array)

    if(difficulty == 'Easy'){           
    return easy_game;                       // if the difficulty was set to easy, return easy array
    } else if (difficulty == 'Medium'){
    return medium_game;                     // if the difficulty was set to medium, return medium array
    } else if (difficulty == 'Hard') {
        return hard_game;                   // if the difficulty was set to hard, return hard array
    } else {
        return easy_game;                   // else return default easy

 * function takes in an array and selects a word
 * with a randomizing sequence
 * @param {*} diff = difficulty setting passed in from drop-down
function randomWord(diff) {
    var arr = getSelection(diff);                           // get array according to difficulty
    answer = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];   // assigns random value from calc index to answer

I have tried to implement the JS from the file by adding it to my index.html file as a element and then tried to reference the JS directly from within my App.js in the React app, however when I do this I do not appear to have access to the variables from within my App.js file to implement them. I tried to import the JS directly in to my App.js file and receive an error that it cannot resolve the path to the file. For reference, the way I am importing the file is as follows into my App.js file:

import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';
import './App.css';
**import './assets/js/appLogic.js';**
import React from 'react';

// outer variables 
let answer = '';             // holds the value of the random word to be served to the .html 
let maxWrong = 10;           // default game is set to easy  
let diff_setting = 'Easy';   // default ""
let mistakes = 0;            // mistakes are initialized to 0
let guessed = [];            // guessed letters are stored in an array initialized empty
let wordStatus = null;       // used to dislay current state of word to user (guessedWord())

function GameTitle() {
  return (
    <h1 className='game-header'>Random Word Guessing Game</h1>

function GamePrompt() {
  return (
    <p className='word-prompt'>Word to be guessed:</p>

function SetDifficulty() {
  return (
    <div className='dropdown-content'>
      <label className='difficulty-prompt'>
        Set difficulty level:
        <select className='difficulty-dropdown'>
          <option value="setEasy">Easy</option>
          <option value="setMedium">Medium</option>
          <option value="setHard">Hard</option>

const alphabet = [
  "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I",
  "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R",
  "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"

const handleGuess = (letter) => {
  alert(`${letter} pressed!`);

function GameKeyboard({handleGuess}) {
      { => (
        <button onClick={() => {

function GuessCount() {
    <div id='guess-counter'>

function WrongGuessesPrompt() {
    <span id='mistakes'>{mistakes}</span>

function TallyGuessesPrompt() {
    <span id='maxWrong'>{maxWrong}</span>

function WordGuessContainer() {
    <div className='container'>
      <GuessCount />Guesses: <WrongGuessesPrompt /> of <TallyGuessesPrompt />

function RestartButton() {

export default function App () {
  return (
        <SetDifficulty />
          <GameTitle />
          <GamePrompt />
        <WordGuessContainer />

        <GameKeyboard handleGuess={handleGuess} />
          <RestartButton />

This seems like it should be easy for me to figure out, but I have so far not been able to get any helpful error hints and have not found any similar searches that give me enough to go on since this is my first time trying to work with React.


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