I need to get output from DBMS_OUTPUT Procedure in the form of table

I am using below code but i want to get the output from dbms_output procedure in the form of table. can i get the value from below code in the form of table?

set serveroutput on;

  type t_list is table of zsmart_overall_os%rowtype index by pls_integer;
  zs_smart t_list;
  type e_list is table of mig_mid_bal%rowtype index by pls_integer;
  mig_bal e_list;
  select * bulk collect into zs_smart from zsmart_overall_os;
  for i in 1..zs_smart.count() loop
    dbms_output.put_line(zs_smart(i).acct_id||'  '||zs_smart(i).os);
  end loop;


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