Quick Excel Formula - Reorder Array

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I require a reorder formula without adding any extra cells on the sheet (≠helpers).

I'd like to reorder the 10 vertical cells located in AV63-72 currently in numerical order (2.94-3.35) = SOURCE, in the 10-cells selected array just below (=RESULTs displayed as it should be), according to the positions & values in the 10-cell array just left of the selected=INSTRUCTIONS column.

The vertical positions in all three arrays correspond vertically as static 1-10, but the values for the positions in the INSTRUCTION change as the sheet expands.

So, the instructions for the "2.94" in AV63 being in the 1st position (1.10) would be to write in turn in the 5th position in the RESULT array, where the formulas would be.

Can this be done just leveraging on the data shown, without adding any extra helper arrays on the sheet?


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