Why won't my template update with it being bound to a computed property?

I am facing an issue where I have some template HTML in a component that relies on the computed getter of a Vuex method. As you can see in the template, I am simply trying to show the output of the computed property in a <p> tag with .

As I update the state with the UPDATE_EXERCISE_SETS mutation, I can see in the Vue devtools that the state is updated correctly, but the change is not reflected in the <p> </p> portion.

Template HTML:


Component Logic:

computed: {
   getNumSets: {
      get() {
         var numSets = this.$store.getters['designer/getNumSetsForExercise']({id: this.id, parent: this.parent})
         return numSets
      set(value) {  // This correctly updates the state as seen in the Vue DevTools
        this.$store.commit('designer/UPDATE_EXERCISE_SETS', {
                    id: this.exerciseId,
                    parentName: this.parent,
                    numSets: parseInt(value),
                    date: this.date


Vuex Store Logic:

state: {
  designerBucket: []
getters: {
  getNumSetsForExercise: (state) => (payload) => {
    var numSets = 0
    for (var i = 0; i < state.designerBucket.length; i++) {
      if (state.designerBucket[i].id == payload.id) {
        numSets = state.designerBucket[i].numSets
    return numSets
mutations: {
  UPDATE_EXERCISE_SETS(state, payload) {
    state.designerBucket.forEach(exercise => {
       if (exercise.id == payload.id) {
          exercise.numSets = payload.numSets

Any insight is very appreciated!

P.S. I have also tried using a for (var i=0...) loop, looping over the indices and then using Vue.set() to set the value. This did update the value in the store as well, but the computed property is still not updating the template.

from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/3jnD3ay


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