Add/remove users to/from AAD group in batches

What is the code to add users to AAD group or remove users from AAD group in batches in C#? (first find batch size and then add or remove users). Any sample code would be great.


I added the following code:

        private HttpRequestMessage MakeRequest(AzureADUser user, Guid targetGroup)
            return new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Patch, $"{targetGroup}")
                Content = new StringContent(MakeAddRequestBody(user), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"),

        private static string MakeAddRequestBody(AzureADUser user)
            JObject body = new JObject
                ["members@odata.bind"] = JArray.FromObject($"{user.ObjectId}")
            return body.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);

        public async Task AddUsersToGroup1(IEnumerable<AzureADUser> users, AzureADGroup targetGroup)
                var batches = GetBatchRequest(users, targetGroup.ObjectId);
                foreach (var batchRequestContent in batches)
                    var response = await _graphServiceClient
                    var responses = await response.GetResponsesAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)

On running this I get the following exception: Object serialized to String. JArray instance expected. What am I missing? Also, once I get the responses, I need to check if all of the response returned an 'OK' response or not similar to:

return responses.Any(x => x == ResponseCode.Error) ? ResponseCode.Error : ResponseCode.Ok;

How would I do that?

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