How can I make a LEFT JOIN, but with rows separed from its relations in MySQL?

I need to get all rows that are in the table A, but joining with the table B (basically a LEFT JOIN), but also, I need to get the A table row itself, for example, with these tables:

Table A:

id name
1 Random name
2 Random name #2

Table B:

id parent_id location
1 2 Location #1
2 2 Location #2

With this query:

ON = B.parent_id;

I get something like this:

id name id parent_id location
1 Random name NULL NULL NULL
2 Random name #2 1 2 Location #1
2 Random name #2 2 2 Location #2

But I want to get something like this:

id name id parent_id location
1 Random name NULL NULL NULL
2 Random name #2 NULL NULL NULL
2 Random name #2 1 2 Location #1
2 Random name #2 2 2 Location #2

As you can see, there is a row by itself of "Random name #2" separated from its joins, how can I do that?

The main idea is that there are an ads table (the table A), but also, there are a subads table (the table B) with little variations of the ads table, and I need to show all ads and subads in a unique query.

Tanks a lot!

from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow


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