Soap Web service return null value

I want to use a web service for my project and I'm sure web service work properly(I tested in Boomerang - SOAP & REST Client). Web service link is But when I try get datas from service, service returns null, empty or 0 values. I think VS add web service reference doesn't work correctly, But couldn't find where the problem is.

  static async Task<String> GetProductAsyncN11()

        ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
        ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
        var port = new N11ProductServiceReference.ProductServicePortClient();
        var requ = new GetProductListRequest();
        requ.auth = new N11ProductServiceReference.Authentication();         
        requ.auth.appKey = "*****";
        requ.auth.appSecret = "*****";
        requ.pagingData = new N11ProductServiceReference.RequestPagingData();
        requ.pagingData.pageSize = 100;
        requ.pagingData.currentPage = 0;
        var list =await port.GetProductListAsync(requ);
        Console.WriteLine("xx" + list.GetProductListResponse.result.status);
        Console.WriteLine("xx" + list.GetProductListResponse.products.Length);
        foreach (var item in list.GetProductListResponse.products)
        return "n11";

Response is here

enter image description here

Also When I use Boomerang - SOAP & REST Client, here is the response

enter image description here

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