Why am I getting the error 'No such module FirebaseUI' in swift?

Every time I try to build I get the error 'No such module FirebaseUI'

Things I have tried:

  • Clearing derived data
  • running 'pod update' to make sure all dependencies are up to date
  • making sure I am running the app by opening .xcworkspace as opposed to .xcodeproj
  • Cleaning my build folder(Command+Shift+K)
  • Deleting my project and redownloading from Git
  • Adding the FirebaseUI Framework directly to my project
  • Changing the Scheme to FirebaseCore allows the project to build but the simulator does not open for testing, nor does it run on a physical device.
  • Running pod deintegrate && pod install, I noted that this command did mention that FirebaseUI was included and that the version was 11.03

I am running this project on a new MacBook Pro with the M1 chip. Previously, my project ran fine on the older intel chip. My Xcode version is 12.5.1, and my OS is 11.4

Here is my pod file:

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
 platform :ios, '12.0'

post_install do |pi|
    pi.pods_project.targets.each do |t|
      t.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '12.0'

target 'Pikit' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Fixed Pod configuration
  # Pods for Pikit
    pod 'Firebase'
  pod 'Firebase/Core'
    pod 'Firebase/Storage'
    pod 'Firebase/Auth'
    pod 'Firebase/Firestore'
  pod 'Firebase/Functions'
  pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
  pod 'Firebase/Messaging'
  pod 'Firebase/DynamicLinks'
  pod 'FirebaseUI/Auth'
  pod 'FirebaseUI/Email'
  pod 'FirebaseUI/Google'
  pod 'FirebaseUI/Facebook'
  pod 'FirebaseUI/OAuth' # Used for Sign in with Apple, Twitter, etc
  pod 'FirebaseUI/Phone'
  # Other Podfiles
  pod 'OnboardKit'
  # Auto move screen for keyboard
  pod 'SDWebImage'
  pod 'PureLayout'
  pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'
  pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'



the previously selected answer was working for a while but after changing the version of an unrelated pod the application is showing the same issue.

from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/3qiPSUI


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