JPA JPQL nested select statement
I have a very simple join table relating two tables, to simplify the problem we can say table1 is A and table 2 is B, with a join table AB.
A | AB | B |
A_id | AB_id | B_id |
A_details | A_id_fk | B_details |
B_id_fk |
where A_id_fk and B_id_fk are foreign keys respectively. Im trying to create a query to retrieve all rows of A that have a relation to B. So my function receives B_id as an argument, and I want to search AB to get all rows where B_id_fk == b_id, and then use search A for all rows where A_id == the A_id_fk returned from previous search.
I tested and it can be done in plain SQL using nested select like this:
(SELECT A_id_fk
from AB
where B_id_fk = B_id);
So i read the documentation for JPQL: and tried this
public List<A> getA(int B_id){
TypedQuery<A> query = em.createQuery("select i from A i where i.A_id =
(select z.A_id_fk from AB z where z.B_id_fk = :B_ID)", A.class);
return query.setParameter("B_ID",B_id).getResultList();
Im really lost right now because i followed the given example in the documentation, But its giving me unable to resolve errors, is there maybe a way to do B.class nested within A.class? Im not sure what im supposed to do here.
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