How to overwrite next rows using UPDATE?

I have this MYSQL table (simplified version) with some erased ids:

| id  | name  | country |
| 1   | John  | England |
| 5   | Emily |   USA   |
| 9   |  Joe  |   USA   |
| 11  |Michael|   USA   |
| 13  | Liam  |   USA   |

How do I overwrite each row from "John" using php? (last name "Liam" gets kicked out)

I want it to look like this:

| id  | name  | country |
| 1   | John  | England |
| 5   | John  |   USA   |
| 9   | Emily |   USA   |
| 11  |  Joe  |   USA   |
| 13  |Michael|   USA   |

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