Adding to a cells value based on two other cells

I'm wondering how I would go about adding to a cell based on two other cells.

For example, I'm creating a Google Sheets document to track profit & loss on certain things in an online game I play.

I'll try to explain this as best as possible.

If cell B71 is equal to the string in cell B7, increase the value in cell D71 equal to the number in cell D7. However, the values will need to be compared to various other things depending on the item required. For example, the string in cell B7 might change depending on what specific type of item is needed for that day as it does change daily. I have cells near the bottom of the sheet which list the different type of item which will show the total amount of items used in that month.

I've tried to explain this a little better as requested below

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that keeps track of the quantity of a specific item I use in a game for a daily task. This task can be done daily, and to keep track of profit & loss, I have created a spreadsheet to keep track of this.

So, each day, there are three different types of items (runes) that can be used in the machine to create an item called 'Vis Wax'. As Runes are cheap, creating the vis wax can generate a good profit. (I love working with data, hense the spreadsheet.

The image above shows what a daily section looks like. I input each type of rune (has to be 3), input the quantity used and the amount each rune is worth to create the total cost under Total. Further down below, this table has been created Quantity of Runes

This will keep track of each rune and the amount used during that month.

So with that said, I'm looking for a solution so that if Air rune is entered in ANY of them slots with the QUANTITY used, it'll update that table accordinly (as well as the other runes that are used too). I've tried nested IF statements, but don't seem to have any luck. With the amount of checks that seem to be happening, I can't seem to find a working solution. As Air Rune might be in slot 1 one day, then slot 3 the next day. So it seems each cell in the Quantity Table will need to compare EACH cell in the daily section, to each rune type that can be used.

Hopefully that has explained it a little better.

Spreadsheet Link

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