How do I replace a value in one cell based on value in another cell?
function CopyinData_AM_A() {
/* Edit the vars below this line for your needs */
var sourceSheet = "Students AM" ; // Enter the name of the sheet with the source data
var sourceRange = "B7:N77" ; // Enter the range of the cells with the source data
var targetSheet = "Students AM A" ; // Enter the name of the target sheet
var targetRange = "B7:N77" ; // Enter the range of cells you wish to copy data to. Note this must be same size as source range.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sourceSheet);
var values = sheet.getRange(sourceRange).getValues();
How would I add this into the above script? The action needs to occur after the data is copied into the sheet. I am only a VB coder. 'Students AM A' is a formula free sheet.
For each cell in ‘Students AM A'!N7:N77 then
If Ncell= ‘Menu!D14' then Hcell = ”O"
Check next cell
I'd have zero issue doing this in VB, I just started using google scripts about 3 months ago. Anyone recommend a good book to assist me in learning this google script stuff?
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