How to find the function memory map in ARM ELF file?

I am trying to perform loop bound analysis for ARMV7m code using Z3 for a big Framework. I would like to find the memory address that are used by a certain function inside .elf file for example in a function foo() I have the below basic block

ldr     r1, [r3, #0x20]
strb    r2, [r3, #6]  {__elf_header}
str     r2, [r3, #0x24]  {__elf_header}
str     r2, [r3, #0x20]  {__elf_header}
mov     r3, r1
cmp     r1, #0
bne     #0x89f6

How can I get the initial memory used by this function ? Are there memory segements for every function to access or is it random ?

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