How to add items to a list and order by property in React or React Native

I am hoping to put my json data in a list and then add objects to the list and order everything by location

const [list, setList] = useState([])

const blocks = 4

const placeholder = [{ action : null, location : null, title : null }]

const json = [
    "action": "go back",
    "location": 0,
    "title": "first Demo"
    "action": "press go",
    "location": 2,
    "title": "Second"

Output I am hoping for when I console.log(list)

    "action": "go back",
    "location": 0,
    "title": "first Demo"
    "action": "none",
    "location": 1,
    "title": "first Demo"
    "action": "press go",
    "location": 2,
    "title": "Second"
    "action": "none",
    "location": 3,
    "title": "first Demo"

What I have tried. It works but wanted a better way to do it

const jsonValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('@custom_layout');
      if (jsonValue != null) {
        const createPallet = Array.from({length: blocks}, (v, i) => ({
          title: null,
          icon: null,
          UUID: i,
          location: i,
          Children: [],
          action: null,

        JSON.parse(jsonValue).map((item, i) => {
          //Find index of specific object using findIndex method.
          const objIndex = createPallet.findIndex(
            obj => obj.location === item.location,

          //Update object's.
          createPallet[objIndex] = item;

          // This will update your state and re-render

Basically we get a count of the blocks. Then we reorder the json by location. If there is a gap from 0-3 fill it in with placeholder data

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