How can I achieve this in LINQ query [duplicate]

This is not same as Is it possible to Pivot data using LINQ? as I need 2 years monthly data to compare. I am writing LINQ query to get the sales report but I am not sure how to achieve the expected outcome with LINQ query. Can you please guide me?

Expected: enter image description here Currently I am getting this: enter image description here

Current linq query:

var sales = from s in legacyContext.For<Sales>().Query
    join p in legacyContext.For<Product>().Query
    on s.ProductId equals p.ProductId                        

    select new
        CreatedDateMonth = s.CreationUtcTime.Month.ToString(),
        CreatedDateYear = s.CreationUtcTime.Year.ToString(),

var monthlySales = (from s in sales
    group s by new { s.CreatedDateYear, s.CreatedDateMonth, s.ProductName } into cgrp
    select new Report
        ProductName = cgrp.Key.ProductName,
        CreatedDateYear = cgrp.Key.CreatedDateYear,
        CreatedDateMonth = cgrp.Key.CreatedDateMonth,
        CreatedDateMonth = cgrp.Key.CreatedDateMonth,
        TotalSales = cgrp.Sum(x => x.TotalSales)

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