Google Apps Script - Web App - Console Status Update Text Messages
I have a working Google Apps script that displays a single web app output at the end.
The script lasts about ~20 seconds, and I'm looking to improve the user experience, by intermittently update the script status during this period.
I understand the challenges of asynchronous server/client operation, but I'm surprised that such "trivial" functionaly seems quite hard to realize.
I reviewed similar topics, but miss a good example.
Code Example :
function doGet(e){
output = function1();
output = function2();
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output).
function function1() {
return = "output1";
function function2() {
return = "output2";
I'm not looking to replace the function calls by HTML calls. But maybe continously poll a global variable until script execution is completed, if this is feasible?
Any example code will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards, Kristof
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