Alignment problem with a subfigure histogram plot

I am facing an alignment problem with a subfigure plots, that I do not have any clue how to fix it, and I have tried to make theme as image, but I have the same problem. The main problem is shown in the figure below. As it shows, the graphs are not aligned, or they are not of the same size (title/caption as well). The plots are made via pgfplots and subfig packges. The code used to generate them are in the end of this text. Any help is welcome!!!

Edit: The main error of the standalone class as figure


enter image description here

\centering %
        title={Manufacture 1},
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=13000,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
        max space between ticks=14pt,
         xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=-0.05cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        ylabel={Number of Sale },
        symbolic x coords={
     BMW, VW, Honda
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=blue] coordinates {
      (BMW,  12766) 
       (VW,  12766) 
       (Honda,  12766) 

   \addplot [draw=none,fill=red] coordinates {
     (BMW,  10901)
     (VW, 6682)    
    (Honda, 9468)
   \addplot [draw=none, fill=green] coordinates {
     (BMW, 8679)
     (VW, 3659)    
     (Honda,  7844)
  \legend{car 1, car 2, car 3}
%     \caption{Subfigure A}

        title={(b) Manufacture 2 },
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        max space between ticks=40pt,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=6000,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
        y tick label style={scaled ticks=base 10:-4},
           xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=0.1cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        symbolic x coords={BMW, VW, Honda 
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=blue] coordinates {
     (BMW, 5153)
 (VW, 4522)
 (Honda, 4522)

  \legend{Electric Car 2060 }
           \caption{Subfigure B}

        title={Manufacture 3},
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=21111,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
           xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=-0.05cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        symbolic x coords={
        BMW, VW, Honda
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=red] coordinates {
(BMW, 19289)
 (VW, 20289)
 (Honda, 20289)
   \addplot [draw=none,fill=blue] coordinates {
 (VW, 20489)
      (VW, 20289)
       (Honda, 20289)

   \addplot [draw=none, fill=green] coordinates {
 (VW, 20489)
 \legend{Car 1, Car 2, Car 3}
        \caption{Subfigure C}

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