Handling enviroment variables in SSR with Angular Universal

I'm applying SSR to a pre-exiting Angular project. In the previous Clinet Side Rendering CSR implementation, I used the global variable window to handle ENV VARS for one build - multiple deployments CI/CD purposes following this article.

I tried using a custom service to pass the env vars to app.modules.ts using the APP_INITIALIZER with no success because the usage of envirement with forRoot() will be called way before my service. Also, webpack can't help in this situation because of one build - multiple deployments requirment.

As the example bellow I tried to inject the EnvironmentService in a module but it seems that data isn't fetched yet from the file as metioned in the article above.

import { EnvironmentService } from './environments/EnvironmentService';

let envService: EnvironmentService;

    declarations: [...],
    imports: [ServerLogModule.forRoot(envService.ENV_VARS)],
    providers: [...]
export class AppModule {}

from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/3qZC7wG


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