Google Reverse Geocoding API doesn't work on mobile internet

So i was able to get Google Geolocations and Geocoder API to work via desktop and on my phone when its connected to wifi, but when I disconnect from the wifi, geocoder doesn't display the results.

just to explain a bit more about what my code does, i use the geolocation APi to get lat/long values and then i use that output that is stored in a variable and i use it to get the city information using the reverse geocoding google API.

my code below is as follows

jQuery(function() {
     var outlatlong = null;
        url: ''+GOOGLE_API_KEY,
        data: JSON.stringify({ "considerIp": "true" }),
        type: 'POST',
        contentType: 'application/json',
        success: function(data) {
    outlatlong = [, data.location.lng].join(', ');
          if(data.location) {
            var out = [, data.location.lng].join(', ');
    var urlTwo = ""+out+"&key=MY_KEY_HERE";
    jQuery.get(urlTwo).success(function(data) {
       var loc1 = data.results[0];
       var county, city;
         jQuery.each(loc1, function(k1,v1) {
            if (k1 == "address_components") {
               for (var i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) {
                  for (k2 in v1[i]) {
                     if (k2 == "types") {
                        var types = v1[i][k2];
                        if (types[0] =="sublocality_level_1") {
                            county = v1[i].long_name;
                            //alert ("county: " + county);
                        if (types[0] =="locality") {
                           city = v1[i].long_name;
                           alert ("city: " + city);

          } else {
            jQuery('#lattie').html('didnt work');
        error: function(e) {
          console.log('error!', JSON.parse(e.responseText));
        return outlatlong

Any help or solution will help! thank you all! <3

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