org.apache.maven.model.resolution.UnresolvableModelException: Could not find artifact
I just cloned a git repository and i get the error in the title on intelliJ, when i open the project it doesn't recognize the dependencies.
I have checked the settings.xml file in the .m2 folder and it's properly configured. The files in the "/.m2/repository/" direcotry are correct and the pom file version that i need is there, and when i go into the settings page of Maven>Repositories i only have the default maven repository and nothing else, which is a consequence of the pom file not beign recognized i think. I looked at intellij documentation about missing repositories but had no luck. What am i missing?
Edit: I solved the issue, a collegue sent me the settings.xml file as a .txt Since i was setting up a new windows machine file extensions where hidden and so it displayed as "settings.xml" while it was actually "settings.xml.txt", after changing the extension it started working
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