How can I deploy a simple server container to ECS Fargate?
I've been trying to deploy my container for the last 8 days all day, but still can't (I know)
It is a simple express.js API that listens for http requests on port 80
Before building the image and pushing it to DockerHub I created an endpoint for the "check health status":
app.get("/health", (_, res: Response) => res.sendStatus(200));
const port = process.env.SERVER_PORT;
app.listen(port, async () => {
console.log(`Server is listening on port ${port}. 🚀`);
I checked this path on my local machine and it seems to be working: Print screen
Then I tried deploying it to AWS ECS Fargate: Created the cluster, created the task definition following the instructions that I used in the docker-compose.yaml file, created a service based on the task definition I created and launched that service. At the AWS console everything seems to working fine too: Print screen
So I tried sending a HTTP request to the DNS name of the Load balancer /health, and also to the IP/port address /health, but the requests all timeout: Print screen
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