Apply AutoCorrect on inserted text using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word

When I am inserting text into Word using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word, the inserted text will not have auto correct applied to it.

I have for example an auto correct in Word which should change auto correct to AUTO CORRECT.

string text = "is this auto correct? Is this auto format 1/2?";
int start = word.Selection.Start;
int end = word.Selection.Start;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range insertedRange = word.ActiveDocument.Range(start, end);

// In Word the text will come over as:
// Actual:   "is this auto correct? is this auto format ½?"
// Expected: "Is this AUTO CORRECT? Is this auto format ½?"
//            ^       ^^^^ ^^^^^^^  ^

Auto format works, Word will change 1/2 to ½. But Word will not change auto correct to AUTO CORRECT.

I cannot find an a function for applying auto correct for the text I have inserted. Range does not appear to have such a function.

The closest I have come is to enumerate all the auto corrections myself and applying the auto correct if necessary see here. But this approach does not include Capitalize first letter of sentences and other such auto correct features in Word.

If I manually place my caret next to the auto correct text and press <space> the text will change to AUTO CORRECT, I need a way to trigger this from code.

How can I apply auto correct to the text I have inserted?


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