How to create object of a response service class in spring framework

How to use this method in another class? I have to make its object as I have to use this API while creating otherAPI so how can I create its object and use this in another class in same project.

    public Response updateEpmDetails(InputStream incomingData, @Context HttpHeaders headers) {;
        mapper = getObjectMapper();
        epmHelper = getEpmHelper();
        ElementUpdateEpmRequest[] updateEpmRequestArray = null;
        String jsonInString = "{}";
        UpdateEpmDetailsResponse updateEpmDetailsResponse = new UpdateEpmDetailsResponse();
        int responseStatus = Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode();
        try {
            updateEpmRequestArray = mapper.readValue(incomingData, ElementUpdateEpmRequest[].class);
            List<ElementUpdateEpmRequest> updateEpmRequestList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(updateEpmRequestArray));
            updateEpmDetailsResponse = epmHelper.updateEpmDetails(updateEpmRequestList);
            jsonInString = mapper.writeValueAsString(updateEpmDetailsResponse);
            return Response.status(responseStatus).entity(jsonInString).build();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return DataUtils.prepareServerErrorWithMessage(e, e.getMessage());


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