
Javascript getDate/Day/Month functions not working

I'm making a website with a digital clock and i wanna display some text on the side like this "Sat, Dec ,4". The code for the digital clock works but the day/month/date are not being displayed at all.

function currenTime() {
  var dateNow = new Date();
  var h = dateNow.getHours();
  var m = dateNow.getMinutes();
  var s = dateNow.getSeconds();

  let days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
  let months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
  let day = days[dateNow.getDay()];
  let date = dateNow.getDate();
  let month = months[dateNow.getMonth()];
  let calendarD = date + ", " + month + ", " + day;
  document.getElementById("d").innerText = calendarD;

  var session = "";
  if (h >= 12) {
    session = "PM"

  } else {
    session = "AM";

  /* 24 to 12 Hour format display */
  if (h > 12) {
    h -= 12;

  if (h == 0) {
    h = 12;

  if (h < 10) {
    h = "0" + h;
  if (m < 10) {
    m = "0" + m;
  if (s < 10) {
    s = "0" + s;

  var timeNow = h + ":" + m + ":" + s + " " + session;
  document.getElementById("clock").innerText = timeNow;
  setTimeout(currenTime, 1000);
<body onload="currenTime()">
<div id="clock" ></div>
<p id="d"></p>

As you can see i wanna place the day,month and date inside the paragraph tag,but the values are never displayed.

from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/3IeorUR

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