DiagrammeR and MathJax do not correctly render a graph in a rmarkdown document
I am using the following rmarkdown
example, which does not show the symbol theta
nor the caption of the figure, and the first node is too wide (see below the output):
title: "Untitled"
output: html_document
The example is:
```{r nnet02, echo=F, fig.cap="Multilayer"}
grViz("digraph G1 {
graph [layout=neato overlap = true]
I1 [pos='1,1!' style=radial label='$\\\\theta$']
I2 [pos='2,1!' style=radial]
I1 -> I2
}", width = 550))
Could you please help me?
from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/3qhQ877
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