How to handle Nas in Lme4
I am using lme4 R package, but I have NA values in data. I am running the command given below (where, Rtot contains some NaN values.)
event_lme <- lmer(Rtot ~1 + (1 |EQID))
Rtot contains some NaN values.
When I run this it gives me this error :
"Error in KhatriRao(sm, t(mm)) : (p <- ncol(X)) == ncol(Y) is not TRUE"
I don't want to drop NA values. Ultimately I am looking for ranef(event_lme) which will have NA values at appropriate places.
Here is a subset of my data
Rtot | EQID |
NA | 127 |
NA | 30 |
0.058011 | 151 |
NA | 127 |
0.5780 | 1135 |
0.3306 | 127 |
First | 1135 |
0.208 | 1039 |
0..057 | 30 |
Please advise how to resolve this.
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