How to compare variable name and button id to load content inside variable for ThreeJS?
I am using Three.js to load multiple 3D models and store them in an array in the background. I've multiple buttons with unique ID add that specific model to scene. Now I want to compare the button ID and variable name so that I can load only that specific model and remove any other models added to the scene. I have written a for loop to to loop through all the variable to compare with ID of the clicked button, but I'm not able to access only variable name so that I can compare it with button ID.
Following is my code :
function modelShow() {
let m;
var models = [mandi_0, maxi_0, mandi_1, maxi_1, mandi_2, maxi_2];
for (m = 0; m < models.length; m++) {
if(models[m].name =={
else {
let j;
for (j = 0; j < buttons.length; j++) {
buttons[j].addEventListener('click', modelShow);
How can I compare only variable name with button ID and not the content inside variable?
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