Find all JS classes used in web page [duplicate]

Is there a way to find every unique class definition used in a WebPage? For example, if a web page has three unrelated JS classes Dog, Cat, and Mouse, but I do not know that these classes exist, how would I discover them?

//returns all the JS classes in a document
function getAllDocumentClasses(){


This would be a function I would run in the chrome console.

Context: I'm preparing some documentation on extracting data from web pages using javascript. One approach to do this is to investigate the classes used in a library, for example, to see all the instances of a Highcharts and then extract the data used in that Highcharts instances. But if we do not know which libraries a web page is using, then this is more difficult.

Edit: Seems like this might not be possible with javascript. But if you go to Chrome Developer Tools and type window., then you can browse through available classes in the window.



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