Player floats above platform by what looks to be 1 stud
I've been trying my hand at making games on the Roblox platform. After making a couple of games o learn the platform, I'm working on a much larger and complicated game. Everything seems to be going smoothly, until I noticed that the character is floating above the platform. This is the only platform that this happens on, and it happens pretty much over the entire platform. I'm not sure what's going on. Any ideas? Thanks.
EDIT: Per request, here's the properties of the platform in question. It's a union.
There are no transparent parts on that platform. In fact, the only transparent parts are on the platforms where you have to use a jump pad to get to. Those parts are there to deflect the player onto the platform so they don't overshoot and fly off to oblivion. Visually, the union completed, but it seems like the problem is that the surface is still there.
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