how to get focus in TitleText input from npyscreen?
I need to get the focus back to the first input after write and press the enter key in another input. For instance, after enter a value in myPrecio input and press enter i need to get the focus back to myCodigo input, how can i achieve this?
import npyscreen
class MyGrid(npyscreen.GridColTitles):
# You need to override custom_print_cell to manipulate how
# a cell is printed. In this example we change the color of the
# text depending on the string value of cell.
def custom_print_cell(self, actual_cell, cell_display_value):
if cell_display_value =='FAIL':
actual_cell.color = 'DANGER'
elif cell_display_value == 'PASS':
actual_cell.color = 'GOOD'
actual_cell.color = 'DEFAULT'
class nuevoIngreso(npyscreen.FormBaseNew):
def afterEditing(self):
def create(self):
self.myDepartment = self.add(npyscreen.TitleSelectOne, scroll_exit=True, max_height=3, name='Departmento', values = ['M', 'C', 'L'])
self.myCodigo = self.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name='CODIGO: ')
self.myDescripcion = self.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name='DESCRIPCION: ')
self.myKit = self.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name='UN/KIT: ')
self.myPrecio = self.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name='$/UN')
self.myGrid = self.add(MyGrid,select_whole_line = True,editable = False)
# Adding values to the Grid, this code just randomly
# fills a 2 x 4 grid with random PASS/FAIL strings.
self.myGrid.values = []
for x in range(3):
row = []
for y in range(4):
if bool(random.getrandbits(1)):
class MyApplication(npyscreen.NPSAppManaged):
def onStart(self):
F=self.addForm('MAIN', nuevoIngreso, name='Nuevo Ingreso')
# A real application might define more forms here.......
if __name__ == '__main__':
TestApp = MyApplication().run()
UPDATE: after some test, i added to my code:
self.myPrecio.entry_widget.handlers.update({curses.ascii.CR: self.input_send})
At the end of def Create(self)
and i added this function to attach bind to enter key on TitleText widget:
def input_send(self, _input):
#self.myCodigo.editing = False
#self.myDescripcion.editing = False
#self.myKit.editing = False
#self.myGrid.editing = False
#self.myPrecio.editing =
self.myPrecio.editing = False
self.editing = False
Now i can set focus on field myCodigo, but the cursor is also displayed on field myPrecio as follow:
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