How to get text from the DOM element in cypress

I am new in cypress, I want to create a dynamic method that returns the text of whatever DOM element pass on it, so I have created one but it returns some unexpected result please see the below code and suggest to me where I am doing wrong or what is the best option for achieving this task.


  "Signin_lbl":".login100-form-title.p-b-10"  //Locator


import commonUtility from "../../support/commonUtility";
const util = new commonUtility();
const objLogin = require('../../fixtures/login_objrepo');

    describe('Login Page', function () {
        it('Verify Page', () => {
            const exp = 'Sign In';
            const act = util.getText(objLogin.Signin_lbl);
            cy.log("Exp title=" + exp + " and Act=" + act)


 class commonUtility
            cy.get(locator).then(($attribute)=> {
                let txt=$attribute.text();
                cy.log("Retun Text is = "+ txt);
            return this;

here (txt variable) got the valid text but, in the above file(Login.sepc.js) were to call it there showing ([object Object])... how to get the same here also?

========================== OUTPUT

enter image description here


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