Updating information within a list of objects with Flutter Hive

I am working with Hive for the first time to save data within flutter and am halfway there...

I have a list of weeks that I am saving within a box, and I am able to save those weeks successfully with:

  void addWeek({
    required double budget,
  }) {
    Week newWeek = Week(
      budget: budget,


When I close the app and restart it I then can load all those saved weeks within the class constructor with:

@HiveType(typeId: 1)
class WeekList extends ChangeNotifier {
  WeekList() {
    int boxLength = box.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < boxLength; i++) {

What I am struggling with wrapping my head around is how to access the data and update the data within my list of weeks. The listOfWeeks holds a bunch of objects type Week which looks like this:

@HiveType(typeId: 2)
class Week extends ChangeNotifier {
  // Constructor
    this.budget = 0.0,

  double budget = 0.0;
  String dailySpend = '\$71.43 per day';

  double totalSpent = 0.0;
  double percentLeftInBudget = 0.0;

  //Spent days of the week
  double sunday = 0.0;
  double monday = 0.0;
  double tuesday = 0.0;
  double wednesday = 0.0;
  double thursday = 0.0;
  double friday = 0.0;
  double saturday = 0.0;

I figure in all the update functions for all the values I need to use a box.put() but I can't seem to wrap my head around the syntax for this. WOuld it be something like:

  void updateBudget({required double newBudget, required int index}) {
    listOfWeeks[index].budget = newBudget;

but then if I moved to the next update function for updating let's say the value of saturday I just cant use box.put(index,listOfWeeks[index].saturday);

I tried box.put(listOfWeeks[index]).budget to access the specific value but that doesn't seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


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