Calling SuperLU via Intel Visual fortran Windows
I have created static Library SuperLU 5.3 via Intel Visual Fortran (Intel Parallel Studio Windows) --> SuperLU.lib. Source =
It is c based.
I want to test it to call it with Fortran subroutine, f77_main.f
with hbcode1.f
Since it needs one of BLAS functions dtrsv.c
, I use MKL instead. And it need also c_fortran_dgssv.c
to be compiled first. I compiled with icx/c c_fortran_dgssv.c
, and I got c_fortran_dgssv.obj
when I compiled that f77_main.f
and superlu.lib
and c_fortran_dgssv.obj
with MKL /Qmkl
using cmd console mode or Visual Studio IDE, it still have error linking.
example i try compiled without creating static lib:
cd c:\Superlu\SRC
icl/c *.c
copy *.obj *.h c:\SuperLu\Fortran
cd c:\SuperLU\Fortran
icl/c c_fortran_dgssv.c
ifort f77_main.f hbcode1.f *.obj /Qmkl
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol C_FORTRAN_DGSSV referenced in function MAIN__ f77_main.obj
program f77_main
call c_fortran_dgssv( iopt, n, nnz, nrhs, values, rowind, colptr,
$ b, ldb, factors, info )
while c_fortran_dgssv.c had
c_fortran_dgssv_(int *iopt, int *n, int *nnz, int *nrhs,
double *values, int *rowind, int *colptr,
double *b, int *ldb,
fptr *f_factors, /* a handle containing the address
pointing to the factored matrices */
int *info)
Looks like i got linker problem to call C from fortran. i tried ifort /names:lowercase or /names:UPPERCASE same problem
PROBLEM SOLVED! i see slu_cnames.h on superlu c header source code. i need to removed if symbol calling unnecessary method. use the appropriate only, if method not worked. Here is the approriate slu_cnames.h for intel compiler windows.
go to src, edit slu_cnames.h accordingly.
icl /c *.c /O3
lib *.obj /OUT:superlu53.lib /NODEFAULTLIB /INCLUDE:colamd.h /INCLUDE:f2c.h /INCLUDE:slu_cdefs.h /INCLUDE:slu_Cnames.h /INCLUDE:slu_dcomplex.h /INCLUDE:slu_ddefs.h /INCLUDE:slu_scomplex.h /INCLUDE:slu_util.h /INCLUDE:slu_sdefs.h /INCLUDE:slu_zdefs.h /INCLUDE:superlu_enum_consts.h /INCLUDE:supermatrix.h /VERBOSE /NODEFAULTLIB /MACHINE:x64
/* slu_cnames.h */
/* BLAS */
#define sswap_ SSWAP
#define saxpy_ SAXPY
#define sasum_ SASUM
#define isamax_ ISAMAX
#define scopy_ SCOPY
#define sscal_ SSCAL
#define sger_ SGER
#define snrm2_ SNRM2
#define ssymv_ SSYMV
#define sdot_ SDOT
#define saxpy_ SAXPY
#define ssyr2_ SSYR2
#define srot_ SROT
#define sgemv_ SGEMV
#define strsv_ STRSV
#define sgemm_ SGEMM
#define strsm_ STRSM
#define dswap_ DSWAP
#define daxpy_ DAXPY
#define dasum_ DASUM
#define idamax_ IDAMAX
#define dcopy_ DCOPY
#define dscal_ DSCAL
#define dger_ DGER
#define dnrm2_ DNRM2
#define dsymv_ DSYMV
#define ddot_ DDOT
#define dsyr2_ DSYR2
#define drot_ DROT
#define dgemv_ DGEMV
#define dtrsv_ DTRSV
#define dgemm_ DGEMM
#define dtrsm_ DTRSM
#define cswap_ CSWAP
#define caxpy_ CAXPY
#define scasum_ SCASUM
#define icamax_ ICAMAX
#define ccopy_ CCOPY
#define cscal_ CSCAL
#define scnrm2_ SCNRM2
#define cgemv_ CGEMV
#define ctrsv_ CTRSV
#define cgemm_ CGEMM
#define ctrsm_ CTRSM
#define cgerc_ CGERC
#define chemv_ CHEMV
#define cher2_ CHER2
#define zswap_ ZSWAP
#define zaxpy_ ZAXPY
#define dzasum_ DZASUM
#define izamax_ IZAMAX
#define zcopy_ ZCOPY
#define zscal_ ZSCAL
#define dznrm2_ DZNRM2
#define zgemv_ ZGEMV
#define ztrsv_ ZTRSV
#define zgemm_ ZGEMM
#define ztrsm_ ZTRSM
#define zgerc_ ZGERC
#define zhemv_ ZHEMV
#define zher2_ ZHER2
/* LAPACK */
#define dlacon_ DLACON
#define slacon_ SLACON
#define icmax1_ ICMAX1
#define scsum1_ SCSUM1
#define clacon_ CLACON
#define dzsum1_ DZSUM1
#define izmax1_ IZMAX1
#define zlacon_ ZLACON
/* Fortran interface */
#define c_bridge_dgssv_ C_BRIDGE_DGSSV
#define c_fortran_sgssv_ C_FORTRAN_SGSSV
#define c_fortran_dgssv_ C_FORTRAN_DGSSV
#define c_fortran_cgssv_ C_FORTRAN_CGSSV
#define c_fortran_zgssv_ C_FORTRAN_ZGSSV
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