Dictionary from csv file to group different names in a column

I am doing an assignment where I have a csvfile and I have to generate matplot lib graphs. I have a column full of genres of different movies, with the genres seperated by | (vertical bar). I have to create a dictionary of these genres, once, without repeating, to assign them to the appropriate movies. How will I go about doing that? this is what I have so far:

import csv

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

dp = open("C:\Users\jayan\OneDrive\Desktop\IMDB_movie_metadata_for_assignment_6.csv",'r', encoding='utf8').read()

with open("C:\Users\jayan\OneDrive\Desktop\IMDB_movie_metadata_for_assignment_6.csv", errors = 'ignore') as csvfile:

for line in csvfile:
    fields = line.split(",")
    newField = (fields[4]).split("|")

    newerField = fields[16].strip()
    movies = (fields[0])

    genre_dictionary = {tuple(newField):(movies)}


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