How to update a progress Bar in QML by calculating the countdown on the C++ side in the QTWidget?
I basically want to send the progress from the c++ side to update the value of the ProgressBar on the QML size.
I am trying to integrate QML into a widget application. The thing is I have my mainwindwo.cpp file like this:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
, ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
QQmlContext *context = ui->quickWidget->rootContext();
QString title = "Progress Bar App";
int progress = 0;
context->setContextProperty("_myString",title); //Set Text in QML that says Hello World
timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(myFunction()));
progress = myFunction();
context->setContextProperty("_myProgress", progress);
if(progress == 100.0){
delete ui;
int MainWindow::myFunction(){
//Calculate progress
static uint16_t total_time = 50000;
static uint16_t progress = 0;
static uint16_t i = 0;
// for(double i=0; i<=total_time; i=i+1000){
// progress = ((i)*100)/total_time;
// qDebug()<<"Progress: "<<progress<<endl;
// }
if(i < total_time){
i = i + 1000;
progress = ((i)*100)/total_time;
qDebug()<<"Progress: "<<progress<<endl;
qDebug()<<"Finished: "<<progress<<endl;
return progress;
I want to send the progress to calculated here to the ProgressBar in QML side but I can't seem to get it to work.
My question is if you typically create a C++ class with a header and cpp files, how do you do the samething but instead use things in a QTWidget or the Mainwindow.cpp file and send data continuously from it to the QML file to update a ProgressBar?
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