
How to get child worker send message to parent in Deno with multiple workers?

I'm new on workers, so base on this question I was trying the following:

// main.t
for(let idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++){
  const worker = new Worker(new URL('./worker.ts', import.meta.url).href, {
    type: "module", 
    deno: { namespace: true},

  worker.postMessage({ id: idx, name: 'text1', email: 'ea@da.com' });
  worker.addEventListener('message', message => {
    console.log('response', message.data)

// worker.ts
self.onmessage = async (params) => {
  const data = params.data
  console.log('params', data)
  data.name = 'text2'

Expecting this:

params { id: 2, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
response { id: 2, name: "text2", email: "ea@da.com" }
params { id: 0, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
response { id: 0, name: "text2", email: "ea@da.com" }
params { id: 1, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
response { id: 1, name: "text2", email: "ea@da.com" }
params { id: 3, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
response { id: 3, name: "text2", email: "ea@da.com" }

But instead what I'm getting is:

params { id: 0, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
params { id: 1, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
params { id: 2, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
params { id: 3, name: "text1", email: "ea@da.com" }
response { id: 3, name: "text2", email: "ea@da.com" }

Can someone help me with where I'm going wrong? Why I'm only getting responses from the last worker instead of getting a response from every worker?

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