
Showing posts from July, 2021

Laravel Search by 3 values get nothing

I have a bunch of columns in a table what I need is to filter the table using few parameters using laravel Eloquent ORM. For example companyName, StartDate. what I have tried is below $objFetch = OpenOrder::where('companyName', $request->majorCompanies) ->orwhereBetween( 'StartDate', array($request->startDate_start, $request->startDate_end) ) ->orderby('id', 'desc')->get(); return response()->json([ 'success' => true, 'objects' => $objFetch ]); "objects": [ { "company": "aa", "StartDate": 2/24/2021, }, { "company": "aa" "StartDate": 2/25/2021, }, { "company": "aa", "StartDate": 4/1...

How i can generate login link with FishStick API?

The library i used I know that it's possible to generate login link with only one command with using discord.js but as you can see it requires 3 values. let accountId = 'Your Account Id' let deviceId = 'Your Device Id' let secret = 'Your Secret' let config = { 'accountId':accountId, 'deviceId':deviceId, 'secret':secret }; So, how to generate login link without account, device ids and secret? from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Sign PDF in a valid way

How can I sign a PDF in a valid way? I already have a valid pfx file, but when I sign the pdf file with the node-sign lib, acrobat points the signature as not valid. It tells that I need to get the timestamp from an authority server... I'm willing to use any coding language. from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Completing input statments with beatifulsoup, xml and json

Hey guys do you know how can I enter values to the input statements in this webpage with beautifulsoup, xml or json? Here is the webpage code: document.write(cab_pag("MANIFIESTOS DE EXPORTACION MARITIMO")) Esta opción permite consultar información de los conocimientos de embarque (B/L) por año y número de manifiesto de exportación. Se muestra los siguientes datos generales: fecha de zarpe, matrícula de la nave, número de viaje y los siguientes datos de cada conocimiento; puerto de destino, número de conocimiento, número de detalle, peso recibido, bultos recibidos, consignatario. Ingrese el Año y Número de Manifiesto :   - - from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Converting data from PuTTY to YAML file

I have some data that I can accesss through a Linux command in PuTTY, but I need to convert this data into a .yaml file. The format of the data is as follows: _name: Bob age: '15' ___ _name: Alex age: '17' ___ And so on. How can I parse through this data to create a .yaml file with {'key':'value'} for each person's name being the key and age being the value. So far, I've thought of converting this data to a text file and then using a for loop to parse through the "_name" and "age" text values, but I'm not sure where this would lead me. Any thoughts? from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

What is the difference between transmission and transmission-daemon?

I have watched some tutorials on how to install torrent program on raspberry. I have seen somebody installs like this: sudo apt install transmission Someone installs it like this: sudo apt install transmission-daemon from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Python Code in the terminal instead of Output VSCode

So I'm new to programming and have used PyCharm. I have gotten Mosh Hamedani's course and saw that whatever code he executes is shown in its output window NEATLY. My code is jumbled up with stupid commands which are telling me the location of the file etc. How can I make ONLY MY EXECUTED CODE show up in the output or terminal? I just want to get rid of those Windows PowerShell etc stuff. The highlighted part is the code I ran and want only that to be shown and nothing else?? Highlighted code is my run code from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

How to add javascript into php?

Here is my js code <script> function myform() { var n = document.getElementById("name").value; if (n == "") { document.getElementById("username").innerHTML = "Please enter your name"; return false; } if (!isNaN(n)) { document.getElementById("username").innerHTML = "Please enter valid name"; return false; } } </script> How to write this js code into php m trying all code in echo but not working plz help after php echo using echo'<script> function myform() { var n = document.getElementById("name").value; if (n == "") { document.getElementById("username").innerHTML = "Please enter your name"; return false; } if (!isNaN(n)) { document.getElementById("username").innerHTML = "Please enter valid name"; return false; } } </script>'...

Can I use different selection comparisons based on a passed value in SQL?

I wasn't really sure of the best wording for the question but here is my dilemma: I am passing a value to a sql query as @district. This value may be the exact district but it also has the possibility of being a value that should create a set of multiple districts. So if I pass '002' I want the where clause to say I.Offense_Tract = @district. If I pass 'Other' I want the where clause to say I.Offense_Tract in (). What I am trying to do is something like: AND CASE WHEN @district = "Other" THEN I.Offense_Tract in ('BAR','COL','GER','MEM','MIL','JAIL','JAILEAST','SCCC','1USD','2USD') ELSE I.Offense_Tract = @district END But this doesn't work. The problem, restated, is if the value passed is anything other than 'Other', I just want it to be =. If 'Other' is passed, I want it to be IN. from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https:...

How to drop the all the 1's in a correlation matrix

I'm trying to change/eliminate the 1's that run diagonally in a correlation matrix so that when I take the average of the rows of the correlation matrix, the 1s don't affect the mean of each of the rows. Let's say I have the dataset, A B C D E F 45 49 49 65 65 45 60 62 63 80 80 60 80 82 83 100 100 80 80 100 123 122 120 80 39 52 43 60 50 65 58 64 58 80 65 80 78 84 78 109 85 100 78 130 111 130 85 100 78 104 78 159 115 100 44 48 65 50 64 43 59 63 80 65 80 58 79 83 100 85 105 78 79 103 120 135 115 78 45 30 35 20 20 45 50 20 55 25 25 30 60 45 50 90 80 70 When I do dfcorr = df.corr() dfcorr, I get A B C D E F A 1.000000 0.842125 0.834808 0.832773 0.844158 0.806787 B 0.842125 1.000000 0.847606 0.907595 0.818668 0.863645 C 0.834808 0.847606 1.000000 0.718199 0.804671 0.582033 D 0.832773 0.907595 0.718199 1.000000 0.884236 0.878421 E 0.844158 0.818668 0.804671 0.884236 1.000000 0.718668 F 0.806787 0.863645 0.582033 0.8784...

NAT router with ebpf/XDP

I'm trying to achieve a simple NAT (just swap dest and src IP of the packet) using XDP so I can just process the packet once I receive it on an interface and send it back to the sender through another interface, but it seems I missed something and would be grateful for tips and advice. Note that I'm not sure I understand the underlying mechanisms of networking protocols or Linux networking - I'm working on improving that xD. Anyway here's the code I'm using. struct in_addr ipaddr; int ifindex = 3; uint8_t tmp_mac[ETH_ALEN] = {/* mac address of the second interface */}; // Here I'm supposed to have a decision function to decide which IP to be translated to what // ipaddr.s_addr = (in_addr_t) bpf_map_lookup_elem(&ip_nat, &ip->daddr); // Change the source MAC to the MAC of forwarding back interface memcpy(eth->h_source, tmp_mac, ETH_ALEN); // Change the destination to the same interface address from the packet sender memcpy(eth->h_dest, eth->...

Perfectly rectangular DIV wrapper in CSS [duplicate]

How can I make div image wrapper, which will be rectangular? It must have same width and height, but without setting it... Here is what I have: .wrapper{ background-color: red; width: fit-content; height: fit-content; padding: 30px; } <div class="wrapper"> <img src="" /> </div> If you inspect that "wrapper" div in devtools, you will see, that it has dimensions 128x132 px (+padding) instead of 128x128 px as it only wraps that 128x128 px image. Why it adds 4px on height and how can I get rid of it? I need perfectly rectangular wrapper and I don't want to manually set dimensions or use Javascript... Thanks! from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

How to define custom themes in vue.js using typescript?

I am trying to change the colours of a Vue template (uses vuetify) that I am using but after pouring over the docs for a day I am not sure what else I can try. My main file: //src/main.ts import '@babel/polyfill'; // Import Component hooks before component definitions import './component-hooks'; import Vue from 'vue'; // import './plugins/vuetify'; import './plugins/vee-validate'; import App from './App.vue'; import router from './router'; import store from '@/store'; import './registerServiceWorker'; import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css'; import Vuetify from 'vuetify'; Vue.config.productionTip = false; new Vue({ router, store, render: (h) => h(App), }).$mount('#app'); the vuetify plugin file: //src/plugins/vuetify.ts import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuetify from 'vuetify'; Vue.use(Vuetify, { theme: { themes: { light: { primary: ...

Virtual Bug with CPP

I'm having some issues with C++ using it with binary tests, i'm learning binary search trees, i'm getting these erros, note : i didn't code the functions, i'm first trying to compile it with random returns. :\msys64\mingw64\bin\g++.exe -g "C:\Users\Saint\Dropbox\PC\Documents\UFSC\Estrutura de Dados\VPL Árvore Binária\main.cpp" -o "C:\Users\Saint\Dropbox\PC\Documents\UFSC\Estrutura de Dados\VPL Árvore Binária\testVpl.exe" -lgtest -std=c++20 C:\Users\Saint\Dropbox\PC\Documents\UFSC\Estrutura de Dados\VPL �rvore Bin�ria\main.cpp: In member function 'virtual void ArvoreBinariaBuscaTest_Inicializacao_Test::TestBody()': C:\Users\Saint\Dropbox\PC\Documents\UFSC\Estrutura de Dados\VPL �rvore Bin�ria\main.cpp:6:49: error: invalid new-expression of abstract class type 'MinhaArvoreDeBuscaBinaria<int>' 6 | ArvoreDeBuscaBinaria<int>* const arvore{new MinhaArvoreDeBuscaBinaria<int>}; | ...

Read remote image and return in request

I have some images on a CDN. However for security reasons I need some images to be loaded from the same subdomain as the page. module.exports = function relayImage(req, res) { https.get("", (resp) => { const dataBlocks = [] resp.on('data', data => dataBlocks.push(data)); resp.on('end', err => { if(err){ console.error(err) res.end() return } res.set({ 'accept-ranges': "bytes", 'cache-control': resp.headers['cache-control'], 'content-type': resp.headers['content-type'], 'content-length': resp.headers['content-length'], }); dataBlocks.forEach(data => res.send(data)) }) }) } For some reason this only returns the first 2% of the image top from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Defining the axis values in an R plot

I know this seems trivial, but for some reason I´m stuck and I cannot figure out how to solve it. I have checked for the solution but with no success. My data ("coefs_PA") is like this structure(list(year = c(1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), estimate = c(0.111, 0.081, -0.106, 2.571, 0.606, -0.234, 0.325, 0.891, 0.062, 0.37, -0.041, 0.09, 0.436, 0.08, -0.973, 0.147, -0.116, 0.602, 0.385, 0.274, 0.118, 0.682), sd = c(0, 0.488, 0.411, 1.282, 0.473, 0.447, 0.427, 0.52, 0.477, 0.394, 0.384, 0.379, 0.404, 0.416, 0.43, 0.419, 0.464, 0.788, 0.456, 0.451, 0.427, 0.467)), row.names = c(NA, -22L), class = "data.frame") and with the following code library(Hmisc) plot(coefs_PA$year, coefs_PA$estimate, xaxt='n', yaxt="n", xlab=NA, ylab=NA, pch=17, ylim=c(min(coefs_PA$estimate - coefs_PA$sd), max((coefs_PA$estimate + coefs_PA$sd)))) with (data = co...

How to create menu items combining icon and text with vuetify 2.x?

I need to create a menu with some checked menu items. This is for toggle options. The check icon should be shown and removed in front of the menu item when the item is clicked. Ideally, the menu should not close when the toggle menus are selected. Making a dialog with switches would be inconvenient because it would require multiple clicks to perform the operation and the user wouldn't have a direct feedback on the effect. The toggle menu items modify the filtering rule of a displayed list. My current code has the toggle menu items but there is no feedback for the user with check icons. Not sure if checked menus are compatible with material design. Edit : Adding an icon to a menu item is very simple. <v-list-item @click="maskZero"> <v-list-item-title> </v-list-item-title> <v-list-item-icon v-bind:class="showWhenMaskZero"> <v-icon> mdi-check </v-icon...

Using script to search Gmail subject line for a cells value, then forward email

What I am attempting to do is to use some script to automate locating then forward to a specific email without having to switch over to Gmail to manually forward this on, However I cannot use the auto forward built into Gmail due to only certain emails needing to be sent, There are also multiple emails with the same reference number in the subject field unless I add in the constant then there is only one, The emails subject get sent to me in the following format a unique reference number followed by hyphen then the constant (123456 - Constant), Currently I am attempting to use the built in Gmail search via reference number + Constant, The reference number is stored in a google sheets cell, I have then been tagging on the "constant" within the script. However despite using "" which to my understanding is for an exact match, this is forwarding multiple entries with different reference numbers, Currently the code I am attempting to use is function Search2() { v...

Integrating purchased bootstrap template in Reactjs, But js effects are not working

I have integrated my react-js with purchased Template, and design works perfectly, But effects which will be initiated from custom.js are not working. Like toggle dropdown on click, Setting current nav-item as active. I just imported custom.js file to index.html I am new to react-js , so need help from our community. $("a.close").removeAttr("href").on('click', function(){ function slideFade(elem) { var fadeOut = { opacity: 0, transition: 'opacity 0.5s' }; elem.css(fadeOut).slideUp(); } slideFade($(this).parent()); }); /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /* Notification Dropdowns /*--------------------------------------------------*/ $(".header-notifications").each(function() { var userMenu = $(this); var userMenuTrigger = $(this).find('.header-notifications-trigger a'); $(userMenuTrigger).on('click', func...

KVO on SKView is not being called

I am trying to do KVO on an property of SKView but its not working. I have tried it with .frame and it works like a charm, so why not also on .window ? To clarify, I am using SpriteView in a SwiftUI app and I am trying to get the bounds of the View. What I am after is to get the following before the App starts; print (self.convertPoint(fromView: .zero) ). When I use this in override func didMove I'll get Nan/NaN. However Apple Code Level Support said this about using SpriteView and getting the bounds of a view. The reason you are receiving NaN is that you are calling these methods before the underlying SKView has been actually presented by SwiftUI, which is an event that you have no visibility into, and no way to call code when it happens. However, when this event does occur, the SKScene’s view property will have it’s window set from nil to a UIWindow. Therefore, you could use KVO to observe when the window property is changed, and then make your calls to convertPoint once ...

Why does the parallel command not work with backslashes when taking input from file?

Consider the following file saved as commands.txt ls \ && pwd ls \ && pwd Now, bash commands.txt works as expected to give LICENSE /home/username/utilities LICENSE /home/username/utilities but parallel < commands.txt gives the error /bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `&&' /bin/bash: -c: line 0: `&& pwd' ls: cannot access '\': No such file or directory /bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `&&' /bin/bash: -c: line 0: `&& pwd Why do multiple lines with the same command separated by \ not seem to work with parralel as such? from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Opening a Sheet with buttons generated with a ForEach Loop

I have a view where a list of buttons is generated using a ForEach loop, the data is a list of email addresses for a given contact. The number of email addresses are variable. On pressing an email, I want to open a sheet showing a email view and pass the email address selected to sheet. I followed the answer to this question here that showed how to do sheets with a ForEach button loop, but I ran into a strange issue, when I add the .sheet call to my code, it makes the ForEach loop buttons all become button, and clicking on it opens the sheet, but always passes the last email address in the list to the sheet, am I missing something or is this a bug in swiftUI? Edit: Based on feedback from Yrb (Thanks for the feedback BTW) I have edited it my code so its modular enough that you can run it without any editing import SwiftUI import UIKit import MessageUI import CoreLocation struct TestEmailAddress { // --> We also have a Email Address struct as they can have labels and we want to di...

OprnGl in Python, moving camera in 3d [duplicate]

Am working on a simple 3d game to improve my python skills, however ran into a problem in moving the camera in 3d. glRotatef(mouseMove[0]*0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) glRotatef(mouseMove[1]*0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) when the above two operations are combined they create a warping effect. I think they need to be separated by poping/push the matrix to separate their effects on the player viewpoint. I've tried everything but have been unable to correct this. Full code below, if anyone can correct the obvious mistake I've made would be much appreciated. full code below. while run: pygame.mouse.set_cursor((8,8),(0,0),(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE or event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: run = False if event.key == pygame.K_PAUSE or event.key == pygame.K_p: paused = no...

Why my "Certificate" object and "Ingress" both are creating Certificates?

Why my "Certificate" object and "Ingress" both are creating Certificates ? apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: blog-app-crt spec: secretName: blog-app-crt-sec issuerRef: kind: ClusterIssuer name: letsencrypt-prod commonName: dnsNames: - apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: letsencrypt-prod spec: acme: # Email address used for ACME registration email: server: privateKeySecretRef: # Name of a secret used to store the ACME account private key name: letsencrypt-production-private-key # Add a single challenge solver, HTTP01 using nginx solvers: - http01: ingress: class: nginx apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-service annotations: nginx ...

Keep getting an error w, h = small_image.shape[:-1] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'

I have very little knowledge and am trying to learn python, and have been doing pretty well. Until! When trying to match the image's, I get w, h = small_image.shape[:2] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape' I have the image in the correct path, but keep receiving the error above, have debugged it many times and searched all over the internet for a answer. The only answer I found was check the path's which i have and they seem to be correct. Please excuse how little knowledge I have. I am just trying to learn any pointers would be appreciated. def __init__(self, handle=None): self._handle = handle self._item_memory = {} self._item_area = (525, 227, 80, 275) def match_image(self, largeImg, smallImg, threshold=0.1, debug=False): method = cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED # Read the images from the file small_image = cv2.imread(smallImg) large_image = cv2.imread(largeImg) w, h ...

Parse date in c# the same way as it works in javascript..?

I'm developing an electron application with typescript and another backend application with c#. Now i'm trying to parse data from .xlsx Files in my electron app (javascript), and almost the same kind of data trough an XML API from my c# application in the backend.. Now the thing is, the receiving data has a timestamp formatted like this: 2021-07-22T11:31:43Z I don't even recognize this format (well i'm not having a P.h.D in date time formats.. who would want that anyways.. -.-) Now, when i parse this date in javascript by doing this: moment.locale('de') const date = moment('2021-07-22T11:31:43Z', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss') // haha i'm not even using the correct format to parse this... moment still works magically const myDate = date.format() // format without params will return ISO 8601, no fractional seconds // myDate will be = "2021-07-22T11:31:43+02:00" - pure magic See that? Javascript is automatically adding the timezone info...

How do I get a unicode character from an id in a variable?

I'm attempting to go and generate a file with every Unicode variable. I have been able to get unicode up to U+FFFF, however I need to get it up to U+231F4. I've tried searching for answers, but none of them work when the symbol id is in a variable instead of just typed. Right now, I have this: for (int i = 0; i < 143860; i++) { System.out.println((char)i); } Instead of going up to U+231F4, it instead goes up to U+FFFF, and loops in the document it is printing to. How do I make it go to higher Unicode IDs? from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Break a array into n chunks with overlapping start element

Hi everyone I have the following problem, I need to split an array into n even chunks, but the first element of every array except the first is the last element of the previous array. The last array can have a smaller number of elements if there aren't enough elements. Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] Expected output n=3: [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 8, 9, 10], [10, 11]] I need a solution in javascript but feel free to submit other languages, I will translate it and submit the solution in js. Thanks in advance have a great day :) My not working attempt, I couldn't figure out how to start with desired chunk number so I used chunk size here with intention to figure out chunk size from chunk number later let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; const range = 4; const res = [array.slice(0, range)]; let start = range; let end = range * 2; while (true) { console.log(start, end); res.push(array.slice(start, end)); start += range; end += range; if (star...

How to not print a line if it and the following line starts with the same pattern?

I have a file.fa: >ABC TGTGTGT AGAGAGA TGTAGTA >BDC >DTR >EDF AGAGGTG AGTGACA CAGTGAC I want to keep the lines without ">", and lines with ">" only if the immediate following line does not have ">": >ABC TGTGTGT AGAGAGA TGTAGTA >EDF AGAGGTG AGTGACA CAGTGAC Looking at the answer for this post , I see that awk '/^>/{x=$0} !/^>/{if(x){print x;x=0;}}' file.fa prints out the header lines (with '>') that I want: >ABC >EDF but how do I also get the lines of text without '>'? from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

SQL query containing cursors and cross join taking too long to execute

I have below SQL query as part of a stored procedure in SQL Server. This is taking almost 20 minutes and sometimes more to run. I tried to replace cursors with CTE (Common Table Expression) and have all the clustered and nonclustered indexes on the tables used in the below query. After having all that, it is still taking too long to finish execution. Any help on making the below query execute faster would be highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance for your valuable suggestions and comments. DECLARE @GroupID as INT; DECLARE @MyCursor as CURSOR; SET @MyCursor = CURSOR FOR SELECT GroupID FROM dbo.ThesGroup OPEN @MyCursor; FETCH NEXT FROM @MyCursor INTO @GroupID; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO dbo.PartTagRel (PartID, PartTagID, IsThesaurus) SELECT Rel.PartID, E.PartTagID2 AS PartTagID, 1 AS IsThesaurus FROM dbo.PartTagRel AS Rel JOIN (SELECT R1.PartTagID AS PartTagID1, R2...

Redux-Toolkit query interceptor

I'm trying to build an interceptor for cases when the access token becomes invalid with RTK Query. I've built it by an example in the docs, so that is looks as follows: const baseQuery = fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: BASE_URL, prepareHeaders: (headers, { getState }) => { const { auth: { user: { accessToken }, }, } = getState() as RootState; if (accessToken) { headers.set('authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); } return headers; }, }); const baseQueryWithReauth: BaseQueryFn<string | FetchArgs, unknown, FetchBaseQueryError> = async ( args, api, extraOptions ) => { let result = await baseQuery(args, api, extraOptions); if (result.error && result.error.status === 401) { const refreshResult = await baseQuery('token/refresh/', api, extraOptions); if ( { api.dispatch(tokenUpdate...

My python virus generation code has an issue

I am trying to write a code that will count how many viruses there are after some time. Specifically, the original virus will begin to multiply after 120 sec, then every 60 sec, and it's 'offspring' follow the same pattern. With this, I am trying to find how many viruses there are after 879 seconds. The code below should execute every one second, and count how many times it executes until it reaches 879 seconds, but I keep getting an error. Can anyone help? Thanks import time maxtime = 10 Arr = [] def virus(): virus_count = 0 count_time = 0 time.sleep(1) while True: virus_count += 1 count_time +=1 if count_time > maxtime: Arr.append(count) print('There are', Arr, 'viruses') while True: virus() virus() from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Laravel eloquent relation ship empty using select

My code $users = Classroom::with(['students.classrooms', 'students' => function ($query) use ($search, $validated, $user) { $query->select('name', 'firstname', 'email', 'nickname', 'locale', 'timezone', 'classroom_user.created_at', 'avatar', 'lastConnection', 'level', 'level_ja', 'classroom_user.classroom_id...

TCP SOCKET - Stratum Server Reply - OpenEthereumPool

When I connect stratum server over /dev/tcp/host/port, I send json and got the right reply. [water@Swan /tmp]$ exec 5<>/dev/tcp/; [water@Swan /tmp]$ echo '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"eth_submitLogin","params":["0x00000a..27e"]}' >&5; [water@Swan /tmp]$ cat <&5 {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true} However, when I try golang, python, PHP... any socket language, it won't work, the programme halts there. I tried many ways socket_recv($socket, $msg, 1000, MSG_DONTWAIT); or while (!feof($fp)){ stream_set_timeout($fp, 1); echo fgets($fp, 1024); } reply := make([]byte, 1024) _, err = conn.Read(reply) if err != nil { println("Write to server failed:", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } println("reply from server=", string(reply)) conn.Close() no of them seemed to wo...

How to deserialize a Laravel Eloquent model, i.e. reverse toArray(), attributesToArray() or toJson()?

Laravel serialization documentation describes in detail how to get array / JSON representation of Eloquent models. However, it doesn't currently say a word about reversing this: getting Eloquent models out of arrays / JSON. How do I do this? Thanks! from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Conditionally run CMake's CHECK_TYPE_SIZE

Is there a way to conditionally run CMake's CHECK_TYPE_SIZE command? CHECK_TYPE_SIZE is great for figuring out what the size of a struct is, but the problem is that over time someone might modify the header file with the struct to add new fields. Seems like it's an accident waiting to happen when someone updates the struct but forgets (or doesn't know to) blow away the CMake cache. Yes, you could put a note next to the struct to do a cache wipe if updated, but that doesn't really help when you have a multi-person project and someone else updated the header file. I tried to do an unset(HAS_MYVAR CACHE) but that didn't seem to work as the function doesn't appear to be re-run. Any ideas? CODE: CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("my_struct_t" MY_STRUCT_SIZE) message("Struct size is ${MY_STRUCT_SIZE}) $ cmake -S . -B /tmp/test ... Struct size is 40 ... $ cd /tmp/test $ make ... (no message output) [expected] $ <mod stuct size> $ make ... $ <Check size o...

Adding specific weights to edges through dictionary

I have two dictionaries of nodes with edges like below: all_nodes_edges = {20101: (20102, 20201), 20102: (20101, 20103), 20103: (20102, 20104)} nodes_with_weights = {20101: 20201, 20119: 20219, 20201: (20301, 20101)} I've created the graph and default weights for all the edges in the graph with the below code: g = nx.Graph(all_nodes_edges) nx.set_edge_attributes(g, 1, 'weight') I'm trying to use the nodes_with_weights dict to create weights of 2 on specific edges. How do I achieve this?. Do I have to loop through the dictionary or can I just use a specific nx function? Sorry kinda new to graphs. from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Can't to group by any rows from join

I have some tables and I joined them. But I need to count duplicate value in dl.order_guid and when group by , I have error Invalid expression in the select list (not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause). What am I doing wrong? EDITED: I need to take all field by from , and show it. but when I'm trying to take, I have null or error Select guid.order_guid, count(*) from ( select dl.order_guid, dn.docnumber, dn.operdate,spa.date_from,spa.date_till, lda.akcia_num,dn.balance_kod,lda.parent_id,lda.parent_baseid, dn.otsr as otrs_now, sd.otsr as otsr_f1, sd.otsrf2 as otsr_f2,count(*) from table1 lda left join table2 dn on in (1,2) and dn.baseid=3 left join table3 sd on sd.kod_dk = dn.dk_to left join table4 dl on dl.docrecno=lda.parent_id and dl.baseid=lda.parent_baseid left join table5 spa on where lda.akcia_num=573 and lda.parent_id in (1,2) and lda.parent_baseid= 3 ) guid group by...

Input value changes after clicking in another div with Jquery mask and vue

I'm trying to use the jquery mask and vue plugin, my code: HTML: <div class="mb-2"> <label class="form-label">Salary</label> <input v-model="newEmployeeSalary" class="form-control moneyMask" id="employeeSalary" required> </div> JS: $(document).ready(function($){ $('.money').mask(',00', {reverse: true}); }); The problem is that the inputed value changes after clicking in another div. Example : Here I'm adding a money value, and the mask works perfectly: Then, here I just clicked on the next input of the form and the Salary input mask breaks: My vue code: data() { return { newContractTotalValue: '', } }, I noticed that if I remove the v-model the error dissapers, but I need to use it. Can someone help me with that ?, I really have no idea what to do from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow htt...

Loop through range over cells after each cell is copied print a sheet

I have made a sheet so someone can record some references for a pallet and a product code. I would the like them to be able to print this as a label I've made on another sheet when they have finished inputting all the data. I need some code that allow me too loop through a range ("B5:last row") on sheet ("In (New)") and every time it finds a Ref it will copy the values from B(whatever) and the C value next to it and paste it on my label Sheet ("label") in the range ("K17:L17") then print the label out of the default printer. from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Using scikit-learn NMF with ONE precomputed basis vector

I am using scikit-learn NMF to decompose a matrix I have to 2-4 bases/factors. I have only 1 factor which I know/want to anchor, namely I know W(1) and I want to use that knowledge in my factorization process. Is that possible? I know I can use scikit-learn NMF with a fixed H or W matrix (see this question and answer ) in case I have the entire matrix fixed. But what if I only have one basis/factor fixed? Is that technically possible to achieve with this function? from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow