Impact of data padding on CRC calculation
I am calculating CRC on a large chunk of data every cycle in hardware (64B per cycle). In order to parallelize the CRC calculation, I want to calculate the CRC for small data chunks and then XOR them in parallel.
- We divide the data into small chunks (64B data divided into 8 chunks of 8B each).
- Then we calculate CRC's for all the chunks individually (8 CRC's in parallel for 8B chunks).
- Finally calculate the CRC for padded data. This answer points out that the CRC for padded data is obtained by multiplying the old CRC with x^n.
Hence, I am calculating the CRC for a small chunk of data, then multiply it with CRC of 0x1 shifted by 'i' times as shown below.
In short, I am trying to accomplish below:
For example: CRC-8 on this site:
Input Data=(0x05 0x07) CRC=0x54
Step-1: Data=0x5 CRC=0x1B
Step-2: Data=0x7 CRC=0x15
Step-3: Data=(0x1 0x0) CRC=0x15
Step-4: Multiply step-1 CRC and step-3 CRC with primitive polynomial 0x7. So, I calculate (0x1B).(0x15) = (0x1 0xC7) mod 0x7.
Step-5: Calculate CRC Data=(0x1 0xC7) CRC=0x4E (I assume this is same as (0x1 0xC7) mod 0x7)
Step-6: XOR the result to get the final CRC. 0x4E^0x15=0x5B
As we can see, the result in step-6 is not the correct result.
Can someone help me how to calculate the CRC for padded data? Or where am I going wrong in the above example?
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