Adding quotes to text in line using Python
I am using Visual Studio Code to replace text with Python. I am using a source file with original text and converting it into a new file with new text.
I would like to add quotes to the new text that follows. For example:
Original text: set vlans xxx vlan-id xxx
New text: vlan xxx name "xxx"
(add quotes to the remaining portion of the line as seen here)
Here is my code:
with open("SanitizedFinal_E4300.txt", "rt") as fin:
with open("output6.txt", "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
line = line.replace('set vlans', 'vlan').replace('vlan-id', 'name')
Is there a way to add quotes for text in the line that follows 'name'?
I tried this code:
with open("SanitizedFinal_E4300.txt", "rt") as fin:
with open("output6.txt", "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
line = line.replace('set vlans', 'vlan').replace('vlan-id', 'name')
words = line.split()
words[-1] = '"' + words[-1] + '"'
line = ' '.join(words)
and received this error:
line 124, in <module>
words[-1] = '"' + words[-1] + '"'
IndexError: list index out of range
I also tried this code with no success:
with open("SanitizedFinal_E4300.txt", "rt") as fin:
with open("output6.txt", "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
line = line.replace('set vlans', 'vlan').replace('vlan-id', 'name')
import re
t = 'set vlans xxx vlan-id xxx'
re.sub(r'set vlans(.*)vlan-id (.*)', r'vlan\1names "\2"', t)
'vlan xxx names "xxx"'
Again, my goal is to automatically add double quotes to the characters (vlan numbers) at the end of a line.
For example:
Change this: set vlans default vlan-id 1
Into this: vlan default name "1"
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