Using a new activity function creates -nan values in TensorFlow
I define a new activity function motivated by the reLU
activation. However, it does not function correctly and I get -nan
values after the first epoch.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
training_input= np.random.random ([200,5]) * 200 #input data
training_output = np.random.random ([200,1]) # output data
def custom_act(alpha=0.0): #new activity function
def new_act(x):
neg = tf.cast(tf.math.greater_equal(0.0, x), dtype='float32') # less than zero
pos = tf.cast(tf.math.greater_equal(x, 0.0), dtype='float32') # greater than zero
# if <0, then x. if>0, then scale it with alpha and exponential
return tf.cast( (neg*x) + (alpha*pos*(1-tf.math.exp(-x)) ) , tf.float32)
return new_act
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation="relu"),
tf.keras.layers.Dense( 1)
model.compile(loss="mse",optimizer =tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.1)),training_output,epochs = 5,batch_size=20,verbose=1)
For instance, the first two columns in the first row are -16.0825386 43.0274544
and they turn into -16.0825386 0.1
. After the first epoch, then I get all -nan
. What might I be doing wrong?
[-nan -nan -nan ... -nan -nan -nan]
[-nan -nan -nan ... -nan -nan -nan]
from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow
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