How do I get ISO 3 Amount from given currency?

I am working with an API that expects currency to be multiplied by ISO 3 code.

Given I have a table that gives me the values for ISO 4217 as follows:-

JOD         3
AED         2
 and so on.

and for example: If the amount value was 500 AED; according to ISO code 3, you should multiply the value with 100 (2 decimal points); so it will become 50000. Another example: If the amount value was 100 JOD; according to ISO code 3, you should multiply the value with 1000 (3 decimal points); so it will become 100000.

Given I have the amount 500 and knowing the decimal for AED is 3 how do I get the 50000?

My approach is as follows but don't think its right.

decimal amount = 500m;
int decValue = 3;
var decimalAmount = (amount * decValue * 100); //50000

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