node js upload image and upload to ftp: works for one but not two images

var ftpClient = new ftp();
var form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
form.parse(request, function(err, fields, files) {
    if ( {
        var dimensions = sizeOf(files.shoplogo.path);
        console.log(dimensions.width + " x " + dimensions.height);
        if (dimensions.width > 255 || dimensions.height > 255 || dimensions.width < 145 || dimensions.height < 145) {
            response.send('<script>alert("Das Bild darf nicht größer 250x250 oder kleiner als 150x150 sein."); history.back(); </script>');
        if (files.shoplogo.size > 200000) {
            response.send('<script>alert("Das Bild darf nicht größer als 150 kb sein."); history.back(); </script>');
        } else {
            var oldpath = files.shoplogo.path;
            ftpClient.on('ready', function() {
                ftpClient.put(oldpath, '/web/shopContent/' + 'logo_' + fields.shopid + ".jpg", function(err, list) {
                    if (err) throw err;
    if ( {
        var dimensions = sizeOf(files.shopcover.path);
        console.log(dimensions.width + " x " + dimensions.height);
        if (dimensions.width > 505 || dimensions.height > 505 || dimensions.width < 245 || dimensions.height < 245) {
            response.send('<script>alert("Das Bild darf nicht größer 500x500 oder kleiner als 250x250 sein."); history.back(); </script>');
        if (files.shopcover.size > 200000) {
            response.send('<script>alert("Das Bild darf nicht größer als 150 kb sein."); history.back(); </script>');
        } else {
            var oldpath = files.shopcover.path;
            ftpClient.on('ready', function() {
                ftpClient.put(oldpath, '/web/shopContent/' + 'cover_' + fields.shopid + ".jpg", function(err, list) {
                    if (err) throw err;
        'host': 'host',
        'user': 'user',
        'password': 'pw'

Working from scratch I managed to code a function that allows me to upload images to my server (from client) and then to upload it to FTP server. If the user selects one image a time everything works fine but uploading both images breaks.

I think the problem is how I handle the connection. How can I tweak the code?

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