Postgres Explain - how to optimize

Performance is growing increasingly poor. Using explain, I see that there is a sequential scan in a nested loop - which is likely the performance issue. What I do not know is: how do I improve this?

Here is a link to the query and the explain output: I'll include them here, too:


    INNER JOIN "devices" ON "devices"."asset_id" = "assets"."id"
    "assets"."archived_at" IS NULL
    AND "assets"."archive_number" IS NULL
    AND "assets"."assettype_id" = 3
    AND ((assets.lastseendate >= NOW() - INTERVAL '30 days')
        AND ((devices.stop_time IS NULL)
            OR (devices.stop_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL '30 days')
            OR (devices.launch_time IS NOT NULL
                AND devices.launch_time > devices.stop_time)))

And here is the explain output:

Nested Loop  (cost=0.43..255815.01 rows=11889 width=218) (actual time=0.049..2187.719 rows=359445 loops=1)
  Buffers: shared hit=1499737 read=75
  I/O Timings: read=5.382
  ->  Seq Scan on assets  (cost=0.00..117666.24 rows=27484 width=218) (actual time=0.035..770.720 rows=359543 loops=1)
        Filter: ((archived_at IS NULL) AND (archive_number IS NULL) AND (assettype_id = 3) AND (lastseendate >= (now() - 'P30D'::interval)))
        Rows Removed by Filter: 2539219
        Buffers: shared hit=59691
  ->  Index Scan using devices_asset_id_ix on devices  (cost=0.43..5.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=359543)
        Index Cond: (asset_id =
        Filter: ((stop_time IS NULL) OR (stop_time >= (now() - 'P30D'::interval)) OR ((launch_time IS NOT NULL) AND (launch_time > stop_time)))
        Rows Removed by Filter: 0
        Buffers: shared hit=1440046 read=75
        I/O Timings: read=5.382
Planning Time: 1.055 ms
Execution Time: 2264.396 ms

The only relevant index is this one:


UPDATE: I've added several indexes as listed here:

add_index :devices, [:asset_id, :stop_time, :launch_time], name: "device_online_idx"
add_index :devices, [:asset_id, :stop_time]
add_index :devices, [:asset_id, :launch_time]
add_index :devices, :stop_time
add_index :devices, :launch_time

add_index :assets, [:assettype_id, :archived_at, :archive_number, :lastseendate], name: "asset_unexpired_idx"
add_index :assets, :assettype_id
add_index :assets, :archived_at
add_index :assets, :archive_number
add_index :assets, :lastseendate

This has changed the explain to look like this:

Nested Loop  (cost=0.99..179162.78 rows=11872 width=218) (actual time=0.050..1680.166 rows=359011 loops=1)
  Buffers: shared hit=1726893 read=33
  I/O Timings: read=0.226
  ->  Index Scan using asset_unexpired_idx on assets  (cost=0.56..41125.44 rows=27451 width=218) (actual time=0.037..315.869 rows=359110 loops=1)
        Index Cond: ((assettype_id = 3) AND (archived_at IS NULL) AND (archive_number IS NULL) AND (lastseendate >= (now() - 'P30D'::interval)))
        Buffers: shared hit=288537
  ->  Index Scan using devices_asset_id_ix on devices  (cost=0.43..5.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.002..0.003 rows=1 loops=359110)
        Index Cond: (asset_id =
        Filter: ((stop_time IS NULL) OR (stop_time >= (now() - 'P30D'::interval)) OR ((launch_time IS NOT NULL) AND (launch_time > stop_time)))
        Rows Removed by Filter: 0
        Buffers: shared hit=1438356 read=33
        I/O Timings: read=0.226
Planning Time: 1.322 ms
Execution Time: 1757.047 ms

This got a 25% improvement. Is there any way to substantially improve this further?

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