
Mockito InjectMocks not working but constructor call does

I'm using Kotlin with Mockito. Given these dependencies:

    private lateinit var tokenService: TokenService

    private lateinit var jwtDecoder: JwtDecoder

    private lateinit var passwordEncoder: PasswordEncoder

    private lateinit var authManager: AuthenticationManager

    private lateinit var mailLoginUserService: MailLoginUserService

    private lateinit var simpleMailService: SimpleMailService

I though the following codes should be equivalent.

First Variant:

private lateinit var underTest: MailLoginService

Second Variant:

private lateinit var underTest: MailLoginService

    fun setup() {
    underTest = MailLoginService(

I know that BeforeEach is called before every test giving a knew instance of the MailLoginService but I'm only running one test.

In the test I specified


Inside the tested method of MailLoginService the method passwordEncoder.encode is called. With the second variant (the manual constructor call) everything works fine. But with the first variant (InjectMocks) I get the following error:

java.lang.NullPointerException: encode(...) must not be null

I'd like to use InjectMocks as it reduces Code. Does anybody know why this problem occurs and how to fix it?

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