How to animate the selection in LazyGrid with Android Compose
I am doing the UI effect like this with Android Compose. enter image description here
I implemented with below code. But it's not a good way and it causes bug when drag the Grid. Please give me some suggestions to implement it with diffrent ways.
fun GridView2() {
var selectedIndex by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
var offsetX by remember {
mutableStateOf((selectedIndex % 4) * 207f)
var offsetY by remember {
mutableStateOf((selectedIndex / 4) * 150f)
val animatedOffset by animateOffsetAsState(
targetValue = Offset(offsetX, offsetY), label = "",
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
modifier = Modifier
columns = GridCells.Adaptive(200.dp),
contentPadding = PaddingValues(0.dp)
) {
items(count = 20) { index ->
modifier = Modifier
.clickable {
selectedIndex = index
offsetX = (selectedIndex % 4) * 207f
offsetY = (selectedIndex / 4) * 150f
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
modifier = Modifier
modifier = Modifier
x = Dp(animatedOffset.x),
y = Dp(animatedOffset.y)
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
modifier = Modifier
.border(2.dp, Color.Green)
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