Astro server endpoints with nodejs adapter has empty header

I am following this tutorial: [Astro with Firebase][1] and everything works as expected after I run npm run dev. However when I run npm run build and start the server with node ./dist/server/entry.mjs I am not able to access headers from the request sent to server. Here is the server endpoint code:

export const get: APIRoute = async ({ request, cookies, redirect }) => {
  /* Get token from header*/
  const idToken = request.headers.get("Authorization")?.split("Bearer ")[1];
  if (!idToken) //idToken null
    return new Response(
      "No token found",
      { status: 401 }
  return redirect("/dashboard");

I am running newest version of Astro with SSR nodejs (hybrid rendering.

So far I tried:

  1. Use axios instead of request for HTTP get request
  2. Different version of node (18 /20)
  3. Add token as a param after my base url (localhost:3000/api/auth?token) - it seems that only plain URL is available on the server side.

Thanks for any ideas.


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